Profiles in Cowardice: Congress Certifies the Election.“The only thing we have to fear is Fear itself.” — Franklin D. RooseveltJan 74Jan 74
Campaign for the Public Interest: A Proposal“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable…Jan 3Jan 3
The Two WorldsWhether we know it or not, we all live in two worlds, simultaneously. By “worlds” I refer to complex adaptive systems, for which you can…Jan 3Jan 3
America is dead. Long live Gaia!The fix is in, folks. The oligarchic regime that is determined to overthrow democracy has now been democratically elected. They will take…Dec 29, 20245Dec 29, 20245
Money versus Nature“We have two choices: a Gaian future — or no future.” — Norman MyersDec 13, 2024Dec 13, 2024
The Other TrifectaAs the vote count drew to an end in the recent election, many Republicans on my neighborhood social media network (Nextdoor) have been…Dec 4, 20241Dec 4, 20241
Three Possible Initiatives for Dire TimesLife is one big road with lots of signs…Dec 3, 2024Dec 3, 2024
On the Verge of TyrannyThe United States of America no longer exists. It ended on July 1, 2024, almost exactly 248 years after the Declaration of Independence was…Jul 6, 20242Jul 6, 20242