A grimly accurate assessment of our dysfunctional political culture on climate change: the war on reason being perpetrated by the Right Wing noise machine, on one hand, and the insistence on the left of coupling climate politics with social justice issues (which are anathema to republicans). However, these days, I see little evidence that "care" and "fairness" are any longer "moral foundations" that hold any meaning for Republcans. They're all about loyalty (to party first, then nation, and the future of the planet does not figure at all); Authority (as long as it is their own "leader," elected or not); "Sanctity" (as long as it is strictly the Born-Again Christian identitarian variety, predicated on intolerance and religious bigotry); and Liberty (as long as it is equated with the freedom to make as much money as possible, with no protection for employees, regulations, or environmental constraints). These four are the dominant values of today's Republicans--the party of Ignorance, Greed, Hatred, and Denial. Finding any kind of common ground with them is an exercise in futility.