Again, I agree with most of what you said, but you are missing my point, based on etymology. "Technology" is NOT "the devices"--it is the practical knowledge that made the devices possible. And that same practical knowledge can be and has been put to more adaptive uses. There is no point in arguing against "technology" itself: once we have such practical knowledge, there is no getting rid of it, even if we wanted to. You may as well argue against "language" as the culprit for enabling us to outstrip the planet's carrying capacity. Sure, a case can be made (and has often been made) to this effect. But to what purpose?? We have language, just as we have technology. And also money--a third culprit (since it is a zero-sum game of maximization on a finite planet). But again, the existence of language, technology, and money are a given. We cannot get rid of them, so we need to adapt them to better purposes the best we can. I cannot will that 8 billion people practice Permaculture. They won't. But that does not negate the fact that the more people who DO practice Permaculture principles, the better off we all will be. Will it be enough? Probably not. But at least it is something adaptive that we can do, given the realities of technology, language, and money.