AMEN! And I agree with the point several other respondents have made already: removing the Trump scourge is only the beginning of a long process of national introspection needed (as happened in Germany after the fall of Hitler) to restore the integrity of our nation by (1) enacting a Constitutional Amendment that revokes "Citizens United" and gets corporate money out of politics; (2) enacting strong antitrust laws to break up the corporate monopolies that concentrate wealth in ever fewer hands, turning the entire world into a monopoly game whose only possible outcome is that "the owners" own everything and the rest of us have nothing--and are in endless debt to the owners for our houses and hotels; (3) restoring our international alliances and collaborating with them to address the urgent threat of climate change and environmental degradation worldwide. And even these are only a start... Will it happen? We can only hope. If not, we'll have to start over at the local level, growing gardens, growing community, growing awareness, and nonviolently resisting oppression and brutality.