An apt , and duly shocking satiric fantasy based on the actual implications of that recent appalling "presidential immunity" ruling by the corrupted Supreme Court!
My underlying fear is this, however. Trump is just the latest and most dramatic figurehead for a vile and far-reaching conspiracy by corporate interests and their neocon fascist agents in politics to subvert and destroy democracy. This cabal is not even hidden: phase one was the Powell memo, circulated by Lewis Powell in 1971 to corporate elites throughout the country, making a compelling case for collaboration among the rich and powerful to subvert the remnants of the New Deal and hijack the institutions of government for their own financial interests. Then, after Reagan was elected by a landslide in 1980 (having conspired with Iran to hold on to their hostages until after he was elected and inaugurated), the corporate takeover of the US began in earnest. Trump is the fruition of this--using the exact same strategy as Hitler and Goebbels to commandeer mass media (e.g. Murdoch, Fox "News," and FCC deregulation to enable "Clear Channel Radio" to freely spew right-wing propaganda throughout the heartland)--and thereby effecting an unholy alliance between the corporate elite and the (aptly named) "base"--the uneducated white lumpenproletariat--by appealing to their proud ignorance, bigotry, and religious intolerance.
So even if Trump suddenly vanished, they would simply find another malevolent, power-hungry figurehead (e.g. Tucker Carlson, Ron DeSantis, Greg Abbott, Christie Noem, or even Don Jr.) to replace him, and proceed with business as usual, demolishing the institutions of democracy one by one and enslaving us all...