An apt deflation of a lot of new age balderdash out there masquerading as spiritual insight. I find much of pop spirituality to be narcissistic as all hell: “Sign up for these rare teachings by [name of guru ] and you, too, will achieve enlightenment and release from the bonds of ego!” The performative contradiction here eludes most spiritual consumers! This is what Chogyam Rinpoche called “spiritual materialism.” Hijacking supposed spiritual wisdom to boost one’s own ego-attachment.
The Dalai Lama saw through all this self-serving claptrap when asked what his religion was. He said “My religion is kindness.” Full stop. Breathe with gratitude and benevolence to all; Observe with compassion for self and all other living beings; Let Go of wishing things were other than they are, and Abide in the present moment. Repeat as often as necessary. Then get on with ordinary life, taking care of everyone and abandoning no one. All the rest is commentary…