An astute analysis. Indeed, this is an age-old problem: the unholy alliance between the moneyed interests--the power elite--and the (well-named) "Base"--the ignorant lumpenproletariat who are easily manipulated by appeals to bigotry, tribal loyalties (e.g. to "flag" and "cross"), and smoldering resentment of those who are more open-minded and better educated (i.e. the "lib'rul socialists"). And of course, the corporate-funded, hyper-partisan Fox News and the proliferation of disinformation through social media have created this epidemic of domestic terrorism and cult loyalty to Fascist demagogues like Trump (or Bolsonaro, or Putin, or Orban or...) The only solution I see is to stay the course: keep winning elections, exposing and defeating efforts at voter suppression, and enacting policies that benefit the majority. This will not eliminate the pathology, but it will marginalize and contain the fanatics.