An astute and unnerving analysis of our culture of alienated consumerism and its toxic consequences for both our inner connection to others and our outer biological support system. And it has now come to fruit in the horrors of the Trump cult and its genocidal aspirations for a fascist "Christian America" where anyone who is ethnically different, politically liberal, gender dysphoric, and free-thinking will be targeted for elimination.
My only solution? Start where we are and grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness--and cultivate and disseminate the skills of mindfulness, satyagraha, and permaculture. Refuse in any way to cooperate with tyranny or cruelty, even at the risk of your life and freedom, if necessary. Become a conscious Gaian--one whose highest allegiance is to our living planet and all her creatures, human and otherwise. America is dying or dead--long live Gaia!