As I often say, collectively we are doomed, but individually, we have options. For me the best option is to give up trying to change “the system” as a whole—a futile effort, given its inertia and entrenched power. Instead, find the best ways you know to emancipate yourself from the mental slavery of the money game, one day and one choice at a time. Grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness. Relocalize. Practice permaculture, starting in your own backyard. Learn, teach, heal, and create. And before you spend money on anything, ask yourself two questions: Do I really need this? Where is the money I spend for this item going? You might not know the answer to the second, but in general, buy local and organic and recycled items as much as possible. Recirculate your money in your community, when possible, rather than sending most of it far away to line the pockets of the super-rich. Their Ill-gotten wealth ultimately depends on our choices of where to earn, spend, and invest our money…