Bitter, but sadly true. The common pathology of all three branches of Hebraic monotheism—Judaism, Christianity, and Islam—is that they all three embrace two propositions: (1) There is only One True God, the maker of heaven and earth; and (2) he’s OUR God, not yours. This belief—that the One God of the universe is also their own tribal deity, while all other tribes are the enemies of your god—can only lead to endless holy wars, since making peace with one’s enemies is tantamount to betrayal of the One True God! So ironically, monotheism may well be the most toxic viral ideology ever to infect human minds.
So what is the alternative? Inclusive spirituality. The awareness that faith is NOT the same as belief. Since none of us really understand the Sacred, we are free to believe or disbelieve whatever we want—since beliefs are as individual as fingerprints. Faith, however, is intuitive—not propositional. Faith is what we share; beliefs are what divide us.
As such, there is only one useful criterion for evaluating another’s belief system, since none of us has any access to another’s subjective experience. And that criterion was succinctly expressed by Yeshua Ben Yosef, more commonly known as Jesus: “By their fruits shall ye know them.”