Dear B:
I thoroughly enjoy your essays for their blend of candor, deep insight, and droll wit, so please do not take my constructive criticism personally. But here it is: HIRE AN EDITOR! The above passage, and many others are riddled with easily avoidable errors in usage--e.g. "didn't messed up" which should be "didn't mess up" and "we have already blew past..." for "we have already blown past... "
I do not know whether English is your second language, but these are usage errors that most native speakers learn how to correct in middle school or high school. And when English-speaking readers encounter them, they are inclined to dismiss the writer as illiterate, and no longer worth their attention.
Don't let this happen! Your essays are far too good--too cogent and timely--to risk losing readership for such trivial mistakes. Please take this advice as from a friend and admirer, for you are too good a thinker to be a sloppy writer!