Dear Jason,
Congratulations! You are on the verge of deprogramming yourself from one of the most insidiously successful cults in history: Christianity ( along with Islam and their common origin, Judaism). Here’s the thing: all three of these Abrahamic religions are based on two major premises: (1) there is only one true god, the maker of Heaven and Earth. (2) We (not you or any others) are God’s chosen people, (destined for heaven after we die); all others are damned for eternity unless they convert to OUR religion.
Well, Guess what? It’s all just balderdash!
If God is truly the creator of the universe, why does he not embrace his whole creation, and encourage us to do likewise—by loving all our neighbors as we love ourselves?
It doesn’t matter what you believe, because contrary to popular belief, if God did not want us to think, He wouldn’t have given us brains!
So forget about beliefs! All that ever matters is that you show your love of God by loving your neighbor as yourself, and that there is only one reliable litmus test for evaluating others’ beliefs: “By their fruits shall ye know them.” If your beliefs give you courage, compassion, and peace of mind, they are worth cultivating. If they make you fearful and hateful of those who differ from you, they should be abandoned. Welcome!🙏