Exactly! The blame game is an idle and pointless exercise anyway. As Bob Dylan once said, "Most people don't do what they believe in; they just do what's most convenient, then they repent." Any human, and any other animal for that matter, is genetically programmed to follow the path of least resistance to the fulfillment of their immediate desires. Tired of waiting for buses, trolleys, or trains? Get a car! This was the sales pitch that the Big OIl guys used to entrap us, and it worked, because, whether we like it or not, cars are more *convenient* than any alternative (until traffic reaches such density and gridlock that trains or bicycles are faster...) Likewise with plastics--they have become ubiquitous, despite their toxicity and utter resistance to any cost-effective recycling, simply because they are almost always more *convenient* than any alternative. So again, we screwed ourselves and our descendants, unwittingly, in our quest for convenience. Alas...