For me, just one word: SATYAGRAHA. This is Gandhi's tried and true prescription for organized nonviolent noncooperation with evil, as implemented also by Martin Luther King, Vaclav Havel, Nelson Mandela, and others. There is a superb practical manual on this practice by political scientist Gene Sharp entitled "From Dictatorship to Democracy" which can be downloaded for free from the Albert Einstein Institute.
Satyagraha consists of three aspects: Ahimsa (doing no harm), Satya (fearlessly and openly speaking truth to power, no matter what the consequences might be), and Swaraj (self-discipline and self-reliance).
It is very difficult, and generally requires both charismatic and incorruptible leadership to be successful, but it is the surest way to undermine tyranny and restore democracy, simply through acts of nonviolent, principled resistance that are mindful, strategic, and relentless. When liars win, truth goes underground, and starts strategizing!