Good suggestions. But let’s not EVEr forget that Bush STOLE the 2000 election from Gore after Katherine Harris, who was both Secretary of State AND chair of the Bush campaign put her finger on the scale and declared Bush the winner in Florida long before the votes were counted in full and the innumerable irregularities were addressed. These included massive purges of voters in largely black districts—a purge conducted by a private firm allied with the Republicans, and hired by Jebb Bush— the governor and brother of GWB. There was no cross-checking of these purges, and many people who thought they were registered showed up to vote, only to find that they were purged. The sum total of irregularities was so great that the Florida Supreme Court ordered a mandatory recount—only to have their decision reversed by the US Supreme Court in a 5-4 decision in a case where the plaintiff—GW Bush—had no standing to sue, because he was not a Florida resident! This was (until recently) the most corrupt decision the Supreme Court ever made! I will NEVER accept the legitimacy of George W. Bush’s “election!”