I admire your determination, Ray, but mass movements have diminishing returns over time. For example, the 1963 March on Washington and MLK’s epic speech were covered on all three national networks, and catalyzed the unstoppable Civil Rights movement, and Earth Day 1970 likewise catalyzed the Environmental Movement, but since then, mass protests, even of epic scale (like the globe-spanning anti war demonstrations prior to the Bush regime’s Iraq invasion) had no effect whatsoever on Bush’s determination to invade Iraq and Afghanistan. Ditto for the Occupy movement, the Million Man March, the massive Women’s March after Trump’s piddling inauguration, etc. etc. Nobody paid any attention. Most people get all their news from corporate mass media and their self-oriented social media—neither of which has the slightest vested interest in upsetting the status quo of consumerism.
So what’s the alternative? Starting where we are. Relocalization of commerce. Working with our neighbors to grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness by learning, teaching, healing, and creating. THEN publicizing our successes and making our permaculture-based garden guild movement go viral…