I agree entirely, though, at 72, I am in the geriatric category myself. It is time for old farts like us--like Biden, Sanders, Warren, et al. (and of course the Orange Ghoul as well) to step aside and let the younger generations, whose future we have already destroyed, take over and do the best they can to undo the horrific damage my generation has done to our poor dying planet. This, of course, might bring to the fore vicious young fascists like Ron DeSantis--which makes it all the more important that OUR side--those who still can reason, still accept the findings of science, and who still grasp some idea of "the public interest" as being more than the sum total of rich and privileged private (white) interests--bring forth some young bucks or fierce young goddesses like AOC to take on these pernicious thugs. Step aside, ye fellow ancient ones!