I agree with everything you said, Tim, except the final sentence: "Which side are you on?" That attitude is a perfect recipe for perpetuating violence indefinitely. We should all, of course, be on the "side" of "liberty and justice for all." This perspective arises from the Dharma--the universal truth that we are all the same inside, and all really want the same thing--freedom and security.
Also, the US is not by any means the only nation that worships violence. Nationalism and the glorification of violence go hand in hand--everywhere. Look up the words to any national anthem anywhere and you will see what I mean.
Obviously, many do not understand that we all want the same thing, and so they prefer to "take sides." But that does not make them "enemies." It only makes them ignorant or stupid or both. If they are ignorant, they can be taught. If they are stupid, they can be ignored. If they are both (like Donald Trump), they must be resisted and removed from positions of power or authority. But violence is their tool, not ours. They have all the weapons and all the hatred. So what we need instead is exactly what Gandhi, King, and Mandela successfully applied, and what Gene Sharp has provided a manual on to guide us: NONVIOLENT NONCOOPERATION WITH EVIL.