I am delighted by Trump's indictment today. It's about time, and I hope this paves the way for subsequent indictments for his far more serious crimes, including high treason for his effort to subvert the ceremonial confirmation of a free and fair election by inciting his rabid, thuggish cult followers to storm the Capitol on January 6, 2021.
I am appalled, however, by the continuing degradation and depravity of the (once respectable) Republican Party into a seditious and truthless bunch of fascists and sycophants who openly and vociferously oppose any and all legislation in the public interest--that is, legislation to curb the rampant proliferation of military-style assault weapons, even after an epidemic of horrific school shootings; legislation (however belated) to address the climate crisis by cutting fossil fuel emissions or by promoting renewables; legislation to ease financial burdens on debt-laden college graduates; legislation to ensure the right to vote; and legislation to offset the ever-growing gap in income between the super-rich and all the rest t of us. They oppose it all, and offer no alternatives; instead, they just slime their opponents as "socialists" whenever they propose any legislation that actually addresses the needs of the public. This "party" has become a malignant cancer on our body politic, with the indicted orange Poo-Bah as their avatar...
As an old saying goes, "When small men cast large shadows, it's a sure sign that the sun is setting..."