I am inclined to agree with “Mr coffee Person” though I would much prefer to agree with you, Mr. Katz. Scientists are, to be sure, decent and outstanding people on the whole, but for very good reasons, they steer clear of politics whenever possible. Engineers can be innovative and brilliant, but they generally work for large corporations who seek to profit from their designs. This can be a good or bad thing, of course. Finally, young activists are dedicated and impassioned, but often too restless and impatient to lead effectively.
So what is the alternative to a fascist implosion of once stable, democratic republics and endless war and repression of dissent on a superheated and dying planet?
Grow gardens (as long as you can and as well as you can); grow community by getting to know and collaborate with your immediate neighbors; grow awareness in your larger community by writing op eds in the local news, posting on social media, and speaking truth to power—mindfully, strategically, relentlessly.