I fear you are entirely right in your dire prognosis for our future, whether the incremental collapse starts accelerating into a maelstrom of catastrophic breakdowns in a year, a decade, or more. Collectively, our vast global market economy is doomed, as in fact it has been since the dawn of the Industrial Revolution when we started a feeding frenzy on our energy savings (fossil fuels) rather than relying, as we always had, on our energy income (the sun). We were warned of the catastrophic consequences of global heating, explosive population growth, and ecological deterioration as early as 1970, but those with money and power quickly recognized that environmental awareness is bad for business, so they did all they could to suppress and ignore the long-term threat of climate disruption due to their indispensable
energy tit (fossil fuels) and all other environmental threats as well. So here we are, quite literally “on the eve of destruction” as the old song goes. The best we can do locally is to relocalize our economy as much as possible—by growing gardens, growing community, and growing awareness. Spread the word: forming collaborative neighborhood garden guilds for growing food in our backyards and sharing knowledge, skills, tools, and produce with our existing neighbors is a LOT easier than heading for the hills to start a whole new “intentional community” of likeminded people—who would need to build high walls and have lots of guns to keep out desperate, hungry, and vicious marauders out there… Best to start where we are, in our own backyards and neighborhoods…