I feel your rage, Christyl. But here is another perspective:
The Earth has terminal cancer. It is not humanity per se, but rather, it is rooted in the arithmetical. zero-sum logic of money, which is nothing more than an abstract transform of the relative exchange value of commondities. To make anything a commodity, you have to isolate it from its matrix and put a boundary around it. But as you said, everything is actually connected. So the money game depends entirely on transforming Gaia, the web of life, into isolated commodities for sale: real estate, machinery, monocultural farms, board feed, consumer goods, etc.
The money game has only two production rules: (1) more is always better; (2) what's mine is not yours. Couple that with a (temporarily) infinite supply of readily available, cheap energy (fossil fuels) and the outcome is entirely predictable (as we have seen): exponential expansion of extraction, production, and consumption of resources plundered from Gaia, and infinite expansion of population to create the labor force and demand for this relentless expansion of consumer goods.
This whole system, which I call "Glomart" (for "Global Market Economy") is a cancer on Gaia. And cancer has only two possible outcomes: (1) death (systemic collapse, followed by mass die-off of everything); (2) spontaneous remission. The first is, by far, the most likely; it has already started. The second, however, is possible, at least in theory.
So what can you do--what can we all do--to become agents of spontaneous remission of the Cancer of the Earth? I obviously don't have the answer. But I have three interrelated pathways to a potential spontaneous remission for each of us to follow: Grow gardens, Grow Community, and Grow Awareness. It's all we can do...