I feel your rage; in fact I’ve been feeling it for most of my 72 years, as I have watched, and fought back in my own puny way against, the vast corporate juggernaut that is consuming our planet. Your analysis is entirely accurate but it falls a little short of the ultimate causes of the Cancer of the Earth: the Agricultural Revolution and the invention of money as an abstract, zero-sum medium of exchange. These two innovations created a runaway feedback loop of population and annual grasses (rice, wheat, corn…) which ate up one ecosystem after the next, spawning population explosions, social stratification, alienation from “nature” and military conquest worldwide — to colonize more land for grain monocultures. The discovery and exploitation of fossil fuels only turbocharged this global cancer, and now it’s terminal. So now we have two choices: spontaneous remission or death. Spontaneous remission occurs only when cancer cells somehow remember that they are a part of, and entirely dependent upon, the body they are colonizing and destroying: that we all are a part of, not apart from, “nature” or Gaia. And once we awaken from our collective delusion of “man vs. nature,” we must act accordingly — by starting where we are, and growing gardens, growing community, and growing awareness.