I have a better idea. Ignore the bastards. Instead, grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness, so that you, your neighbors, and your friends become progressively less dependent upon them, and can finally shake them off once and for all. Think of it this way:
THEY need us to be passive consumers; let's become active citizens instead.
THEY want us to equate our personal worth with what we buy. Instead, let's learn to equate our personal worth with what we do with our time: learning, teaching, healing, and creating. Doing, not owning.
THEY want to keep us distracted by television and the Internet--by their 24/7 advertising. Instead, let's learn the revolutionary art of mindfulness--of turning off the TV, closing down our computers, and paying more attention to our loved ones, our children, our gardens, and our communities. None of this is likely to save the planet from catastrophe, But such withdrawal from their web of influence, such engagement with each other and our communities, will increase the likelihood that we will survive the collapse and create a more adaptive future for our grandchildren--a future that is symbiotic with, rather than parasitic upon, Gaia.