I hope you’re overstating this threat of incipient violence and social chaos. I take some refuge in the fact that the vast majority of MAGAts are basically cowards—internet warriors, that is, who despite their stockpiling of assault rifles and such, basically lack the guts or strategic intelligence to use them in a coherent, well-disciplined manner. My guess is therefore that our guardians of public safety (the police, the national guard, and the various armed federal agencies) are monitoring the scheming of these domestic terrorists very carefully, and that denial among the media and general public might be a better option than stirring up paranoia in advance. There will doubtless be stochastic outbreaks of deranged violence throughout the country, but I strongly doubt that our civil order will break down or spin out of control. Deranged psychopaths (including Trump) love to fantasize about “civil war” but our political divisions, though exacerbated by social media, are not so existential that people would willingly risk their lives and comforts to gun down their neighbors…