I like your general idea of energy, rather than gold, becoming the medium of exchange. The problem I see is that every economy is ultimately—and inevitably—based on net energy or EROEI. And solar energy, while effectively infinite, requires a huge initial investment of embodied energy in the form of solar arrays, photovoltaic cells, batteries, and transmission lines to be of any practical use. Which means that its net energy potential would start at less than zero, and build up only gradually over a long time—during which it would need to be subsidized by the most concentrated, transportable, and readily accessible forms of net energy we currently have—which are fossil fuels. Yet fossil fuels, as you well know, are already heating up our global climate to a tipping point, beyond which runaway feedback loops could quickly render our planet uninhabitable — at least for complex multicellular life forms like ourselves. How would you address this dilemma?