I respectfully differ. In 1933, Hitler never campaigned on a platform promising mass murder of all Jewish people, nor did he pledge to invade Poland, France, Russia, Hungary, Greece…etc. nor to plunge the world into a Second World War. He only fed their dreams of “making Germany great again” by purging it of those who were “poisoning their blood” and restoring them to their rightful place as the “master race:” One Fatherland, One Folk, and One Fuhrer. And the German lumpen proletariat ate it up, and worshipped him. All the other horrors followed AFTER he was elected. Trump has already been channeling Hitler in his hateful appeals to nationalism, bigotry, and “retribution.” What is to stop him from going all out, once he is elected, in following the footsteps of his idol? After all, according to his ex-wife Ivana, he kept a copy of Mein Kampf by his bedside!