I will ignore your unnecessary insult; I am disappointed that you would stoop to such sneering.
But to the point, you assume that "no one is interested" in my idea. Yet within a month after I published the idea on my local "Nextdoor" site, over 90 people in my suburban neighborhood had joined the special interest group, "Garden Guild Network," that I established to promote this idea. And many of them have already met me for coffee, and wish to promote the idea further.
One neighbor and I got together to canvass our neighborhood, and found a lot of interest among those we encountered who were out working in their gardens. Furthermore, until the rise of modern-day car-dependent suburbia, neighbors collaborating with neighbors was the norm, not the exception, worldwide.
The majority, of course, will have no interest until their habitual way of life is threatened by breakdown in the infrastructures that sustain it. But then it will be too late--except for those with the foresight to plan ahead and create local collaborative networks to help each other grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness.