I wish I could agree with you on this. I love renewables; I have installed solar panels and rain barrels myself!
The problem, again, is that building out a whole new infrastructure based on renewables--wind farms, solar arrays, nuclear plants, and even new hydro or geothermal facilities--would require a massive up-front investmsnt of cheap net energy for extraction of rare earth metals, manufacture of components, shipping of raw materials, transportation of infrastructural components, etc. And the only available source of cheap, dense net energy is fossil fuels, which are already overheating the atmosphere at an accelerating pace, worldwide. The problem is, wind and solar are diffuse, and must be concentrated to be useful. But you cannot build solar panels with solar energy alone, or wind mills with wind energy alone. You need a massive initial investment of fossil fuels to bring any of these renewables up to scale. That's our dilemma in a nutshell.