I’m there with you entirely! From the start, I have viewed this thing as Gaia’s Revenge on our dysfunctional “Glomart” civilization that has become the enemy of life itself. Glomart (my coinage for “Global Market Economy”) is the Cancer of the Earth, and it is predicated on the three drivers of Samsaric delusion — Ignorance, Greed, and Hatred. So it stands to reason that Mother Gaia’s immune system would cook up a virus to puncture and collapse the Glomart tumor (the money system) once and for all.
I am resigned. If I die, I will have lived a good life and have no regrets. If I survive, and if I master the formidable challenge of shaking my addiction to Glomart systems and really learning how to survive through permaculture, I will go on till my last breath, growing gardens, growing community, and growing Gaian awareness through the practice and propagation of Permaculture…Thank you for sharing your whimsical wisdom yet again — I needed it!