Let's get beyond the simplistic dichotomy of "doomerism" vs. "pollyannaism." How about realism?
I appreciate your recitation of new and promising innovations; I'm all for them. But no technological fix will solve the underlying problem of overshoot and collapse, or the three huge climatic tipping points we have already passed: melting polar and glacial ice; thawing permafrost; and the global die-off of corals due to warming oceans and acidification. Coral reefs, after all, form the foundation of the marine food chain, along with phytoplankton! And global CO2 emissions have spiked, in just my lifetime (73 years) from about 290 to 450 ppm. That is TWICE as high as the average high point in atmospheric carbon fluctuations over the last 850 thousand years!
The thermal consequences of this incredibly rapid spike in carbon levels have just started kicking in, and there is no guarantee that our current ecosystems worldwide will be able to withstand such an unprecedented rapid rise in mean global temperatures. People can migrate (and are migrating) rapidly, via plane, car, or boat; Other animals take a lot longer, and plants take hundreds of years (that we no longer have) to take root further north. So we are due, in all probability, for a massive global die-off within our own lifetimes, and all the unimaginable social chaos and disruption this will cause. I hate to rain on your parade like this, but the survival of our species (and the ecosystems that sustain us and other large vertebrates at the top of the food chain) is seriously in doubt. The best we can do today is to grow gardens, grow community, grow awareness, and beyond that, to take care of everyone, and abandon no one...