Muchas gracias, Andrea. This was exactly the message I needed to read today, having been gloomily obsessed with the appalling implications of the climate crisis for some time now. So I wanted to share something about my own recent initiative, that I think embodies the approach you recommend. This past season, I hatched the idea of a Garden Guild initiative here in my community (Salem, Oregon). The idea is simply to talk to neighbors who love to garden, at a very local level, and create Garden Guilds--voluntary associations of neighbors who meet periodically for potlucks to share recipes, produce, ideas, and skills, and to encourage and assist one another in growing their own food in their backyards. The benefits of such an initiative are manifold: such guilds would reduce suburban alienation and paranoia, while simultaneously decreasing our dependence on the fossil-fuel-based consumer culture that is destroying our planet and our future. They would also create networks of mutual assistance in the event of climate- or sociopolitical catastrophes--from wildfires and floods to the election of lying, delusional fascists like Trump or Bolsonaro. As an old Chinese wisdom tradition put it, the best way to fight evil is not to confront it directly, but to make "energetic progress in the good." Blessings upon you, Tom