Of course you are right. But railing at "the oligarchs" does not do a damn bit of good, other than venting our spleen. They have all the weapons, including weapons of brainwashing via 24/7 advertising. (See the documentary "The Corporation" for details). So we add to their unimaginable wealth with every dollar we spend.
The problem is not "them" per se, but the money game itself. Have you ever played Monopoly? It is a simple but accurate model of what happens when you play a game based on the zero-sum logic of money on a finite surface (the board, or the planet). Even if it starts with everyone having the same amount of money, the outcome of any Monopoly game is preordained by the logic of "the market"--that is, of simple arithmetic: wealth concentrates upward until one player owns everything, and everyone else owns nothing, and is deeply in debt to the winner for their houses and hotels!
And that is where we are today. The poorest nations of the world are hopelessly in debt to the richest. This makes no sense whatsoever, except within the logic of the money game. So how do we stop the money game? Collectively we won't, and so the players will continue, as you suggest, to compete with each other to plunder the planet and exploit its inhabitants until the whole system collapses into unimaginable violence, chaos, and starvation. But individually, and in community, we can incrementally withdraw support from the money game by growing gardens, growing community, and growing awareness. Learn and teach Permaculture, and heal and create Gaia!