Reluctantly, I agree. One thing many are not saying also is that a "Jewish Democracy" is every bit as much of an oxymoron as an "Islamic Democracy," or indeed, a "Christian Democracy" or a "Hindu Democracy." The reason is really quite simple: the founding document of modern democratic states--the Declaration of Independence--clearly states that "ALL MEN (i.e. human beings) ARE CREATED EQUAL" in the respect that they have equal rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and securing these rights are the sole legitimate purpose of government, "whose just power" derives from "consent of (ALL) the governed,
This view is also reflected in the UN Charter, ostensibly accepted by all member nations. It means, therefore, that ethnic or religious minorities within any nation are entitled to the exact same citizenship rights as those in the ethnic or religious majority. Failure to adhere to this fundamental democratic principle inevitably explodes, sooner or later, in horrific violence.