Thank you. You have clearly laid out our dire predicament. But your suggestions for how to cope are missing one thing. The vast majority of us are in total denial, and will, unfortunately shift quickly from denial to panic when the shitstorm hits them. Then all hell will break loose. But to deal skillfully with this predicament, we will need to forge self-replicating memes that are invitational rather than terrifying (since scaring people generally results in psychic numbing and more denial).
Here is one such invitational meme I have come up with: forming local, neighborhood-based Garden Guilds to encourage people to grow as much food as they can in their own backyards or community gardens, and to get together periodically to share skills, produce, recipes, and ideas, and then to create a network of such Garden Guilds throughout the community (and ultimately, around the planet) to share ideas and adaptive skills.
The slogan I have come up with for my Garden Guild initiative is, at the same time, the totality of its agenda: GROW GARDENS, GROW COMMUNITY, GROW AWARENESS--by Learning, Teaching, Healing, and Creating. Imagine what might happen if this adaptive, invitational meme went viral! It might just sow the seeds of a relocalized, sustainable Gaian culture within the smoking ruins of the Global Market Economy.