Thank you for getting back to me, Jennifer. But I’m puzzled. Where were you on January 6? As you may recall, Trump spent nearly two months relentlessly spreading the lie that the election (which he lost by a substantial margin, in both the popular and electoral vote) was stolen by massive fraud — an election which his own appointed director of election security at DHS lauded as the freest and fairest, best managed election in our history! And when he had exhausted all legal challenges and all efforts to strongarm State republican officials into overturning the results by fiat, he sent out the call to all his cult followers to converge on Washington to prevent the final certification of the election (which all 50 states had already certified, after numerous recounts). And once there, he held a truly Hitlerian rally in which he urged them to descend on the Capitol and “fight like Hell” to prevent the certification (and thus disrupt democracy). (and this was echoed by crazy Giuliani telling them to wage “trial by combat.” And of course, they took him at his word and stormed the capital, threatening to kill any opposing lawmaker they could find. And he sat in the White House watching it on television and doing NOTHING to stop it — even though the life of his own VP was directly threatened (“Hang Mike Pence!”) If this is not treason against democracy itself, what is? He should be arrested, tried, and convicted for it.