Thank you for sharing these insights into the subtle (and often not-so-subtle) insults you routinely must endure because of your Jewishness. It grieves me that ANYONE, of any ethnicity, would have to put up with such vicious, dehumanizing innuendo.
As I see it, this is a regrettable aspect of our nature as social animals—the demonization of the “other” however defined. But in monotheistic religions such as Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this tribalism is especially virulent because all three ground their identities in the same core ideology: (1) There is only one true God, and (2) We (not you) are His people. From these premises follow all the toxic consequences, for it then follows (for all three monotheistic religions and others) that “our enemies are God’s enemies” and based on this logic, compromise is heresy, and genocide becomes a sacrament. Welcome to all the horrors of our Western history, from the genocide celebrated in the book of Joshua to the Roman sacking of Jerusalem to the Crusades and pogroms of the Middle Ages to the Nazi holocaust to the horrors today, reciprocally perpetrated on each other by Hamas and Likud… I wish I saw a way out of this morass of religiously sanctioned massacre!