Thank you for sharing this. Will. As I scan the responses to your assessment, I see a number of persistent delusions:
1. That “we” collectively can or will do anything to stop or reverse the accelerating climate feedback loops we have already triggered.
2. That we can predict the increasingly chaotic pace of global collapse.
3. That the financial and political power brokers will do anything that threatens their own short-term interests in higher profits or political power.
4. That the fossil fuel industry will slow or stop their drilling, refining, and marketing of the gas, oil, and coal that the rest of our global market economy needs to pursue endless “growth” of production and consumption of commodities…
That being the case, we are collectively doomed to catastrophic collapse and die-off.
Individually, however, we still have options. Our best option, in my view, is summarized as follows: Grow Gardens, Grow Community, and Grow Awareness.
—By growing gardens (I.e. learning how to grow some of our own food) we immediately reduce our dependence on the (fossil fuel dependent and ecologically destructive) corporate agricultural infrastructure;
—By growing community, we create alliances and reciprocity with our neighbors, learning and teaching each other useful survival skills.
—By growing awareness—of political corruption, but also of ecological patterns in our own area, we can create innovative local solutions to the accelerating global crises caused by the progressive breakdown of the global infrastructures (energetic, economic, political, and technological) that hitherto sustained us.
And who knows? Some of us may yet survive this mess, and bequeath a more adaptive Gaian mindset to our descendants—that is, a mindset that sees humanity as a part of nature, not apart from it, and that sees the living Earth as a system, rather than a mere “resource” for us to turn into commodities for quick profit!