Thank you for sharing this. It is refreshing to find someone who identifies as "Christian" actually embracing and illustrating the luminous teachings of Jesus! As Martin Luther King Jr. once remarked, "When Jesus commanded us to love our enemies, he did not say we necessarily had to like them!" His point, of course was that "love your enemies" means recognizing that the person who offends you or threatens you is dealing with the same kinds of inner conflicts and confusion--the same "stuff"-- as you are, and since you have never seen the world from behind his eyes--never known what experiences made him so hateful--your own decency--your refusal to hate him back, but rather to listen to him mindfully, with compassion--could have a transformative effect on that person, as your story of Daryl Davis so clearly illustrates. (BTW, MLK's 1956 sermon on "Loving your Enemies" is a true masterpiece. Look it up!)