Thank you for sharing this, Richard. I always appreciate your clarity and moral courage in confirming what most of us feel intuitively already. Collectively, we are fucked. So individually, our best bet, as I see it, is to grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness as long as possible, by committing ourselves to learning, teaching, healing, and creating…Those who last longest as systems are strained to breaking point and collapse and chaos ensue will be those who have cultivated their own and others’ health, competence, and resilience by relocalizing as much as possible and adapting skillfully to the changing conditions of our own bio regions and learning to work with—not against— each other. Or as the Permaculture movement advises, practice Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share—and teach others to do likewise—as we plant seeds of Gaia amidst the crumbling ruins of Glomart (i.e. the Global Market Economy, Aka the Fossil-fuel-driven Cancer of the Earth.)