Thank you for sharing your grief and frustration, Alan. It is something that all of us who are fully aware are dealing with these days, as our collective horizon darkens.
My own view is that collectively we are doomed but individually, we still have options. The option I’ve chosen is to try my best to live up to a slogan I have devised for what I call my “Garden Guild initiative”—an effort to break down the suburban alienation that has coevolved with industrial consumerism, by forming voluntary groups of contiguous neighbors (within walking or bicycling distance) who live by this slogan:
Grow Gardens, Grow Community, Grow Awareness by Learning, Teaching, Healing, and Creating. To break this down a bit…
GROW GARDENS: Start growing some of your own food. Every meal that comes from your back garden means less dependence on our crumbling industrial infrastructures and on the money system. Practice permaculture design to rebuild topsoil and plant food forests.
GROW COMMUNITY: Make an effort to reach out to, and get to know, your immediate neighbors—especially those with veggie plots and gardening skills. Plan potlucks and work parties to share surplus and necessarily skills and muscle power.
GROW AWARENESS: Through all such activities, develop collaborative plans for potential catastrophes, whether climatic, ecological, economic, or sociopolitical…
And through all of the above, cultivate a “gift economy” based on learning, teaching, healing, and creating. Then work with your community leaders to create collaborative “Garden Guild Networks” to make this idea go viral. And—just possibly—we’ll be planting the seeds of a Gaian future, in symbiosis with our biological support systems, amidst the ruins of “Glomart”—our parasitic global market economy, which is now the terminal cancer of the Earth. And even if our efforts are ultimately in vain, we will enjoy the interval…