Thank you for this timely reminder, Tessa. If a nuclear war breaks out, I already have a plan: get a thick plastic bag and duct tape, slip it over my head, tape it around my neck— all after swallowing enough sleeping pills to ensure that I’m unconscious before I choke to death. It seems these days that humanity’s only remaining choices are (1) the quick and ghastly death of nuclear holocaust or (2) the slow and agonizing death of incremental collapse of our utterly cancerous global market economy due to climate destabilization, fossil fuel depletion, resulting hyperinflation, and erasure of biodiversity due to monocultural agriculture and pollution. I’m not sure which I prefer, but in the remaining time we have, I have vowed to grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness—by learning, teaching, healing, and creating—and to take refuge the three universal Dharma Seals: impermanence, interbeing, and oneness (or in scientific terms, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, the First Law, and Quantum Entanglement or nonlocality.) Or as George Harrison sang, “…and the time will come when you see we’re all one and life flows on within you and without you…