Thank you for your sound advice. However, you are overlooking one important strategy, which I generally label as “invitational.” That is (1) inviting your listener to do something—anything—that would move us in the right direction, and would be enjoyable or fulfilling—for that kind of person. Example (at a grocery store): “I’ve always found that locally grown, organic tomatoes taste much better than these commercial ones. Also, they require a lot less fossil fuel consumption to produce—you can grow them in your own garden!” (2) If they are receptive, enlist them in a broader initiative, e.g. “By the way, in our neighborhood we have created a Garden Guild so we can all help each other learn to grow our own vegetables. Our slogan is “Grow Gardens, Grow Community, Grow Awareness.” In doing something like this, you have potentially enlisted them in the climate movement without mentioning “climate” and without traumatizing them with doom or guilt.