Thank you for your thoughts, Roshana. Like you, I am no expert on these matters, but I clearly see the writing on the wall, and the utter futility of denial.
And your final paragraph is right on: since none of us can know with certainty exactly when and how the (now inevitable) great collapse and die-off will hit our own communities, the best we can do is summed up in an old tune by the Four Tops:
"When you feel that you can't go on/Because all of your hope is gone/And your life's filled with much confusion/until happiness is just an illusion/And your world around is crumbling down, Darling..Reach Out (I'll be there...). This is the best attitude we can all take toward those closest to us, whether in relationship, friendship, or simple proximity (i.e. our neighbors). And we can translate this attitude into useful action (at least in the short term) by growing gardens, growing community, and growing awareness. This is my own agenda with my Garden Guild initiative, about which I have written here on Medium--no longer to "save the planet" (which is no longer possible, if it ever was) but to take care of each other until we all die.