Thank you, James, for sharing this insightful analysis into the extent to which Glomart (my neologism for “global market economy”) has colonized not only our planet, but also our minds and souls. And your assessment of how we can emancipate ourselves from this mental slavery of Glomart consumerism is right on target also. I have condensed such insights into a simple slogan that is easy to remember and encouraging for others: Grow Gardens, Grow Community, Grow Awareness. This slogan has the virtue of seeming innocuous while actually being deeply subversive of Glomart:
1. Glomart seeks to turn nature into commodities, so let us turn commodities back into nature—starting in our own backyards. But “nature,” properly understood, does not merely refer to “wilderness,” but it includes humanity as well. So Permaculture—the art of gardening WITH nature rather than against it—is an essential practice in learning to grow gardens and decolonize our own backyards;
2. Glomart seeks to turn communities into markets, so let’s reverse this process by getting to know our neighbors, and learning and teaching each other how to grow (regenerative) gardens;
3. Glomart seeks to dominate our awareness through media manipulation and 24/7 advertising. So let’s reduce our addiction to corporate media by whatever means works best for us: meditating, gardening, hiking, or socializing (I.e. growing gardens, community, and awareness).