Thank you once again for your moral clarity on this.
I have only one suggestion for what all of us ordinary people can do, as we spiral downward into the vortex of a horrifying kleptocratic fascist oligarchy.
"Satyagraha" (meaning "grasping the truth") is the name Mahatma Gandhi coined for his nonviolent liberation movement in India, which later inspired visionary leaders like Martin Luther KIng, Nelson Mandela, Lech Walesa, Vaclav Havel, and Wangari Maathai (and many others, lesser known). It consists of three "pillars" of practice:
1. AHIMSA ("doing no harm")--nonviolent noncooperation with evil.
2. SATYA ("Truth")--speaking truth to power
3. SWARAJ--self-discipline, self-reliance, and solidarity.
--All practiced mindfully, strategically, and relentlessly.
That is, form a "Satyagraha Study Group" among a handful of trusted friends, either in person or online, and then read and discuss three books in this order:
1. On Tyranny by Timothy Snyder;
2. Gandhi on Nonviolence, an anthology of brief Gandhi quotes edited and curated by Thomas Merton, and
3. From Dictatorship to Democracy by Gene Sharp, a practical guide for undermining tyranny and restoring democracy, based on multiple examples from the late Twentieth Century.
Make your own Power Point presentations summarizing each of these books, which you can use to stimulate discussion--and strategizing--within your study group. This is very easy for Snyder's book, which is organized around twenty brief suggestions, each accompanied by a brief summary of each chapter. Put each suggestion with summary on a Powerpoint slide, and you're good to go, with either a big screen for an in-person meeting, or on Zoom for a virtual meeting.
Share your plans and your presentations widely; make this go viral, if possible.