Thank you, Ricky, for this deeply unsettling report about these recent findings on the imminence of the AMOC collapse and its global repercussions. In 2057, I’ll be 108–that is, dead and composted—but I still grieve for all the young people who have nothing to look forward to other than incremental and accelerating global catastrophe and mass die-off of humans and most other higher beings. (I’m sure the micro flora and fauna will have l plenty of time to adapt to the new conditions!). But the pity of it all is that scientists KNEW what was coming 50 years ago, yet our policy makers were so beholden to the fossil fuel barons that they refused to do anything about it other than promote mass ignorance and denial. Now it’s far too late to change course and avert our miserable fate, as we trash the only life-sustaining planet we will ever know…