Thank you, Sandra, for this crystal-clear assessment of Trump’s vile agenda. All we can do is (1) steel ourselves for the catastrophic collapse of our polity into oligarchic fascist tyranny; and (2) study and practice SATYAGRAHA—nonviolently speaking truth to power and building local resilience and independence from the Oligarchs—mindfully, strategically, and relentlessly. Violence is futile; they have all the heavy weapons and will not hesitate to mow us down or “disappear” us as needed.
But Satyagraha is subtle; we stay below the radar until our strategies of defiance gain enough popular support to destabilize their power. See Gene Sharp’s classic manual of resistance to tyranny, “From Dictatorship to Democracy” and form a Satyagraha study group to read, discuss, and strategize. And be patient. Oligarchic tyranny does not fall overnight, but it CAN be subverted. Never give up!