Thank you, Steve. This is a lucid assessment of our predicament. As I see it, collectively we are doomed, for exactly the reasons you so clearly articulate. But individually we still have options, or at least some of us do. (The homeless and destitute have few if any real options, and their numbers will only grow exponentially in coming years.). But for those who still have options—those with homes and a small amount of land—the best available options are to grow gardens, grow community, and grow awareness—by learning, teaching, healing, and creating. We thereby can incrementally reduce our reliance on the zero-sum money economy, and cultivate positive-sum forms of capital: experiential, intellectual, social, cultural, and spiritual. This probably won’t save us from our baked-in fate, but in the interim, we will have more fulfilling and useful lives. So the best we can do—if we have the option—is to practice and propagate Permaculture, speak truth to power, refuse to cooperate or compromise with evil (e.g. Trump and other fascists) and cultivate spiritual compassion and equanimity.