Thank you, Will. Although your articles leave me deeply depressed, I appreciate your scientific rigor. Oddly, I have become addicted to "doomscrolling," to seeking out, perversely, the most appalling climate news I can find, as long as it is based on sound science, as your articles invariably are. We need to know what's coming, however terrifying it might be, and however helpless we may feel; denial is more comfortable in the short run, but ultimately far worse, when the wake-up call arrives.
As I often say, we have essentially four choices when confronted with the hellish future we all face: denial (which is useless); delusion (hoping for some unimagined techno-panacea to save us); despair (which is understandable, but utterly useless and corrosive, leading only to random violence or suicide); and determination., Only the latter is adaptive.
Determination to do what? As Lao Tzu says (in his own version of the Bodhisattva Vow), let us strive, asymptotically, to "take care of everyone, and abandon no one; take care of everything, and abandon nothing." In more practical terms, this means, for me, growing gardens, growing community, and growing learning, teaching, healing, and creating. Most of us will probably die prematurely, but let's make sure that those who survive are Gaians--wise, resilient, and compassionate, rather than thuggish, Trumpian survivalists, out to kill everyone who comes anywhere near them...No matter what, let us be agents of healing and regeneration, or as Thich Nhat Hanh might have put it, let us strive to be "a lotus in a sea of fire."